Humanitarian crisis response
Defense of democratic values
Structuring of civil society
Organize actors cooperation

Building the infrastructure for citizen engagement

he pace of today's world is driven by humanitarian and democratic crises. Yet, established civil society actors often struggle to channel the new forms of engagement required to combat these crises.

We believe there is a need to create a public, open-source and free infrastructure to enable rapid and unconstrained citizens response to crises around the world.

Open Action is a project powered by French civic tech Citipo.

What we do

We build free, open-source and community-driven platforms to power citizen movements at large scales in an effort to provide anyone with the capability to start defending a cause and solving on-the-ground issues as fast as possible.

Humanitarian crisis response

We provide tools and expertise for citizens and organizations to address humanitarian crisis more quickly and more effectively through volunteer onboarding, organizing and mobilization.

Defense of democratic values

We give the ability to citizens initiatives and political parties to better structure their collective actions through platforms and processes.

Structuring of civil society

We help NGOs, local associations and citizens structure their collective actions to increase their impact and tackle large scale issues like the Covid-19 pandemic or the 2022 Ukrainian crisis.

Our work

Our main aim is to help citizen collectives across the world to organize themselves without constraints.
To achieve this, we are working on three projects:

A civic pool of commited developers

We maintain a contact list of  developpers who are willing to be contacted when citizen collectives and organizations have development needs.

Open-Source projects for the next crises

We create Open-Source projects to help citizen respond to crises, all over the world.

Knowledge community for citizen engagement

We structure a community to spread knowledge about citizen-driven mobilization and communication methods.

Latest news

Launch of the foundation at the SymfonyWorld Online 2022
Jun 15, 2022
Our co-founder Titouan Galopin annouced the launch of the Open Grassroots Foundation at the SymfonyWorld Online 2022.
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