Who we are

Adrien Duguet

Co-founder of Citipo, Adrien is an expert in organising activist operations and citizen mobilisation. He has organised teams of volunteers from multiple associations, organisations and citizen collectives.

Titouan Galopin

Co-founder of Citipo, Titouan is an expert in the creation of digital mobilisation tools. He is part of the Symfony Core Team and is RGPD/CNIL certified.

Since 2019, Adrien and Titouan have supported the organisation of several hundred campaigns and have been involved in three emergency crisis management projects:

  • enpremiereligne.fr, a mutual aid network against the pandemic ;
  • soutienukraine.fr, a platform centralising ways for French and European citizens to help Ukraine ;

  • aideukraine.fr, the crisis information website of the Ukrainian embassy in France ;

They launched the Open Grassroots Foundation after realizing during these projects that there was a pattern in how to address crises effectively.